www.7-circles.fi is a site for The Urantia Book readers
The website operator is a private person who does not represent any background community or organisation in this context. The site is non-commercial and non-profit. The material presented is mainly timeless content, whose main added value lies in the compilation of the material and the user-friendly presentation. The site is created out of love for The Urantia Book teachings and as an altruistic service to readers interested in the teachings of The Urantia Book.
The name of the site could refer to the numerous 7-element lists in The Urantia Book, such as the seven psychic circles of human evolution (110:6), the seven circuits of Havona's billion worlds (14:0-3), the seven zones of the total universe (space) (Paradise, Havona, the grand universe and the four outer space zones) (12:1), etc.
Internet: https://www.7-circles.fi/en
Email: webmaster@7-circles.fi
Webmaster: Tapio Talvitie